
Pays d'origine : Suède
Genres : Black metal
2000 - Rabid Death's Curse

1 - The Limb Crucifix
2 - Rabid Death's Curse
3 - On Horns Impaled
4 - Life Dethroned
5 - Walls of Life Ruptured
6 - Agony Fires
7 - Angelrape
8 - Mortem Sibi Consciscere
9 - When Heavens End
2003 - Casus Luciferi

1 - Devil's Blood
2 - Black Salvation
3 - Opus Dei (The Morbid Angel)
4 - Puzzles ov Flesh
5 - I Am the Earth
6 - The Golden Horns of Darash
7 - From the Pulpits of Abomination
8 - Casus Luciferi
2007 - Sworn to the Dark

1 - Legions of the Black Light
2 - Satan's Hunger
3 - Withershins
4 - Storm of the Antichrist
5 - The Light That Burns the Sun
6 - Sworn to the Dark
7 - Underneath the Cenotaph
8 - The Seprent's Chalice
9 - Darkness and Death
10 - Dead But Dreaming
11 - Stellarvore
2010 - Lawless Darkness

1 - Death's Cold Dark
2 - Malfeitor
3 - Reaping Death
4 - Four Thrones
5 - Wolves Curse
6 - Lawless Darkness
7 - Total Funeral
8 - Hymn to Qayin
9 - Kiss of Death
10 - Waters of Ain
2013 - The Wild Hunt

1 - Night Vision
2 - De Profundis
3 - Black Flames March
4 - All That May Bleed
5 - The Child Must Die
6 - They Rode On
7 - Sleepless Evil
8 - The Wild Hunt
9 - Outlaw
10 - Ignem Veni Mittere
11 - Holocaust Dawn
12 - When Stars No More Shine

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