
Pays d'origine : Irlande
Genres : Black metal, Metal celtique
1995 - Imrama

1 - Fuil Ársa
2 - Infernal Summer
3 - Here I Am King
4 - The Darkest Flame
5 - The Fires...
6 - Mealltach
7 - Let the Sun Set on Life Forever
8 - To the Ends of the Earth
9 - Beneath a Bronze Sky
10 - Awaiting the Dawn
11 - The Calling
12 - Among the Lazarae
1998 - A Journey's End

1 - Graven Idol
2 - Dark Song
3 - Autumn's Ablaze
4 - Journey's End
5 - Solitary Mourner
6 - Bitter Harvest
7 - On Aistear Deirneach
2000 - Spirit the Earth Aflame

1 - Spirit the Earth Aflame
2 - Gods to the Godless
3 - The Soul Must Sleep
4 - The Burning Season
5 - Glorious Dawn
6 - The Cruel Sea
7 - Children of the Harvest
2002 - Storm Before Calm

1 - The Heretics Age
2 - Fallen to Ruin
3 - Cast to the Pyre
4 - What Sleeps Within
5 - Sun's First Rays
6 - Sons of the Morrigan
7 - Hosting of the Sidhe
2005 - The Gathering Wilderness

1 - The Golden Spiral
2 - The Gathering Wilderness
3 - The Song of the Tomb
4 - End of All Times (Partyrs Fire)
5 - The Coffin Ships
6 - Tragedy's Birth
7 - Cities Carved in Stone
2007 - To the Nameless Dead

1 - Empire Falls
2 - Gallows Hymn
3 - As Rome Burns
4 - Failures Burden
5 - Heathen Tribes
6 - The Rising Tide
7 - Traitors Gate
8 - No Nation on This Earth
2011 - Redemption at the Puritan's Hand

1 - No Grave Deep Enough
2 - Lain with the Wolf
3 - Bloodied Yet Unbowed
4 - God's Old Snake
5 - The Mouth of Judas
6 - The Black Hundred
7 - The Puritan's Hand
8 - Death of the Gods
2014 - Where Greater Men Have Fallen

1 - Where Greater Men Have Fallen
2 - Babel's Tower
3 - Come the Flood
4 - The Seed of Tyrants
5 - Ghosts of the Charnel House
6 - The Alchemist's Head
7 - Born to Night
8 - Wield Lightning to Split the Sun

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