
Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Genres : Metal alternatif, Metal gothique, Nu metal, Rap metal
2002 - Sevas Tra

1 - Tortured
2 - Blood Pigs
3 - T.R.I.C.
4 - My Confession
5 - Sacrilege
6 - Battle Ready
7 - Emtee
8 - Possession
9 - Thots
10 - Fillthee
11 - Menocide
12 - Jonestown Tea
13 - Brother
2004 - House of Secrets

1 - Requiem
2 - Warhead
3 - Buried Alive
4 - Sepsis
5 - House of Secrets
6 - Hooks & Splinters
7 - Gutter
8 - Autopsy Song
9 - Suicide Trees
10 - Nein
11 - Self-Made
12 - Shattered Pieces
2007 - The Ascension

1 - Eat the Children
2 - Crooked Spoons
3 - Perfectly Flawed
4 - Confrontation
5 - Milk of Regrets
6 - Noose & Nail
7 - Ghostflowers
8 - Breed
9 - March of the Martyrs
10 - Invisible
11 - Home Grown
12 - Communion
13 - Adrenochrome Dreams
2009 - Smash the Control Machine

1 - Rise, Rebel, Resist
2 - Sweet Tooth
3 - Smash the Control Machine
4 - Head
5 - Numb & Dumb
6 - Oh, So Surreal
7 - Run for Cover
8 - Kisses & Kerosene
9 - Unveiled
11 - Serv Asat
12 - Where the River Ends
13 - I Remember
2011 - Atavist

1 - Atavist Animus
2 - Atom to Adam
3 - Drunk on the Blood of Saints
4 - Remember to Forget
5 - Skin of the Master
6 - We Dream Like Lions
7 - I, Alone
8 - Baby's Breath
9 - Fists Fall
10 - Stay
11 - Bible Belt
12 - Not to Touch the Earth
2013 - Hydra

1 - Rising
2 - Blowtorch Nightlight
3 - Seduce & Destroy
4 - Crush
5 - Hematopia
6 - Necromantic
7 - Quarantine
8 - Voyeur
9 - Apex Predator
10 - Feral Game
11 - Livestock
12 - Hag
13 - Theophagy
2016 - Generation Doom

1 - Zero
2 - Feeding Frenzy
3 - Lords of War
4 - Royals
5 - In Cold Blood
6 - Down
7 - God Is a Gun
8 - Equal Rights, Equal Lefts
9 - No Color
10 - Lie
11 - Generation Doom
12 - On the Shore

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