
Pays d'origine : Finlande
Genres : Hard rock, Heavy metal, Shock rock
2002 - Get Heavy

1 - Scarctic Circle Gathering
2 - Get Heavy
3 - Devil Is a Loser
4 - Rock the Hell Outta You
5 - Would You Love a Monsterman?
6 - Icon of Dominance
7 - Not the Nicest Guy
8 - Hellbender Turbulence
9 - Biomechanic Man
10 - Last Kiss Goodbye
11 - Dynamite Tonite
12 - Monster Monster
13 - 13
2004 - The Monsterican Dream

1 - Theatrical Trailer
2 - Bring It On (The Raging Hounds Return)
3 - Blood Red Sandman
4 - My Heaven Is Your Hell
5 - Pet the Destroyer
6 - The Children of the Night
7 - Wake the Snake
8 - Shotgun Divorce
9 - Forsaken Fashion Dolls
10 - Haunted Town
11 - Fire in the Hole
12 - Magistra Nocte
13 - Kalmageddon
2006 - The Arockalypse

1 - SCG3 Special Report avec Michael Majalahti, Sam Romero & Dee Snider
2 - Bringing Back the Balls to Rock
3 - The Deadite Girls Gone Wild
4 - The Kids Who Wanna Play with the Dead
5 - It Snow in Hell
ft. Bruce Kulick
6 - Who's Your Daddy?
7 - Hard Rock Hallelujah
8 - They Only Come Out at Night
ft. Udo Dirkschneider
9 - The Chainsaw Buffet ft. Jay Jay French
10 - Good to Be Bad
11 - The Night of the Loving Dead
12 - Supermonstars (The Anthem of the Phantoms)
2008 - Deadache

1 - SCG IV
2 - Girls Go Chopping
3 - Bite It Like a Bulldog
4 - Monsters Keep Me Company
5 - Man Skin Boots

6 - Dr. Sin Is In
7 - The Ghosts of the Heceta Head
8 - Evilyn

9 - The Rebirth of the Countess
10 - Raise Hell in Heaven
11 - Deadache
12 - Devil Hides Behind Her Smile
13 - Missing Miss Charlene
14 - Hate at First Sight
2010 - Babez for Breakfast

1 - SCG5: It's a Boy!
2 - Babez for Breakfast
3 - This Is Heavy Metal
4 - Rock Police
5 - Discoevil

6 - Call Off the Wedding
7 - I Am Bigger Than You
8 - ZombieRawkMachine

9 - Midnite Lover
10 - Give Your Life for Rock and Roll
11 - Nonstop Nite
12 - Amen's Lament to Ra
13 - Loud and Loaded
14 - Granny's Gone Crazy
15 - Devil's Lullaby
2013 - To Beast or Not to Beast

1 - We're Not Bad for the Kids (We're Worse)
2 - I Luv Ugly
3 - The Riff
4 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
5 - I'm the Best

6 - Horrifiction
7 - Happy New Fear
8 - Schizo Doll

9 - Candy for the Cannibal
10 - Sincerely with Love
11 - SCG6: Otus' Butcher Clinic
2014 - Scare Force One

1 - SCG7: Arm Your Doors and Cross Check
2 - Scare Force One
3 - How to Slice a Whore
4 - Hell Sent In the Clowns
5 - House of Ghosts

6 - Monster Is My Name
7 - Cadaver Lover
8 - Amen's Lament to Ra II

9 - Nailed by the Hammer of Frankenstein
10 - The United Rocking Dead
11 - She's a Demon
12 - Hella's Kitchen
13 - Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir! (+ETA)
2016 - Monstereophonic (Theaterror vs. Demonarchy)

1 - SCG8: One Message Waiting
2 - Let's Go Slaughter He-Man (I Wanna Be the Beast-Man in the Masters of the Universe)
3 - Hug You Hardcore
4 - Down with the Devil
5 - Mary Is Dead
6 - Slick Flick
7 - None for One
8 - SCG VIII: Opening Scene
9 - Demonarchy
10 - The Unholy Gathering
11 - Heaven Sent Hell on Earth
12 - And the Zombie Says
13 - Break of Dawn
14 - The Night the Monsters Died

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