Lez Zeppelin

Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Genres : Blues rock, Folk rock, Hard rock, Heavy metal
2007 - Lez Zeppelin

1 - Whole Lotta Love
2 - The Ocean
3 - On the Rocks
4 - Since I've Been Loving You
5 - Rock and Roll
6 - Winter Sun
7 - Communication Breakdown
8 - Kashmir
2010 - Lez Zeppelin I

1 - Good Times Bad Times
2 - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
3 - You Shook Me
4 - Dazed and Confused
5 - Your Time Is Gonna Come
6 - Black Mountain Side
7 - Communication Breakdown
8 - I Can't Quit You Baby
9 - How Many More Times

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