Dead Kennedys

Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Genres : Post-punk, Punk hardcore, Punk rock
1980 - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables

1 - Kill the Poor
2 - Forward to Death
3 - When Ya Get Drafted
4 - Let's Lynch the Landlord
5 - Drug Me
6 - Your Emotions
7 - Chemical Warfare
8 - California Über Alles
9 - I Kill Children
10 - Stealing People's Mail
11 - Funland at the Beach
12 - Ill in the Head
13 - Holiday in Cambodia
14 - Viva Las Vegas
1981 - In God We Trust, Inc.

1 - Religious Vomit
2 - Moral Majority
3 - Hyperactive Child
4 - Kepone Factory
5 - Dog Bite
6 - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
7 - We've Got a Bigger Problem Now
8 - Rawhide
1982 - Plastic Surgery Disaster

1 - Government Flu
2 - Terminal Preppie
3 - Trust Your Mechanic
4 - Well Paid Scientist
5 - Buzzbomb
6 - Forest Fire
7 - Halloween
8 - Winnebago Warrior
9 - Riot
10 - Bleed for Me
11 - I Am the Owl
12 - Dead End
13 - Moon Over Marin
1985 - Frankenchrist

1 - Soup Is Good Food
2 - Hellnation
3 - This Could Be Anywhere (This Could Be Everywhere)
4 - A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch
5 - Chicken Farm
6 - Jock-O-Rama (Invasion of the Beef Patrol)
7 - Goons of Hazzard
8 - M.T.V. - Get Off the Air
9 - At My Job
10 - Stars and Stripes of Corruption
1986 - Bedtime for Democracy

1 - Take This Job and Shove It
2 - Hop with the Jet Set
3 - Dear Abby
4 - Rambozo the Clown
5 - Fleshdunce
6 - The Great Wall
7 - Shrink
8 - Triumph of the Swill
9 - Macho Insecurity
10 - I Spy
11 - Cesspools in Eden
12 - One-Way Ticket to Pluto
13 - Do the Slag
14 - A Commercial
15 - Gone with My Wind
16 - Anarchy for Sale
17 - Chickenshit Conformist
18 - Where Do Ya Draw the Line
19 - Potshot Heard 'Round the World
20 - D.M.S.O.
21 - Lie Detector

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