
Pays d'origine : France
Genres : Death metal mélodique, Groove metal, Metal industriel, Metalcore
2003 - Dagoba

1 - From Torture to Enslavement
2 - Maniak
3 - The White Guy (And the Black Ceremony)
4 - Something Stronger
5 - Another Day
6 - Fate Contained in a Crsystal Ball
7 - Year of the Scapegoat
8 - Dopesick
9 - Act 1, Part 2
10 - Rush
11 - The Chaos We're Involved In
12 - Here We Are
13 - 4.2 Destroy
14 - Pornscars.
15 - Gods Forgot Me
2006 - What Hell Is About

1 - What Hell Is About...
2 - Die Tomorrow (...What If You Should?)
3 - The Fall of Men
4 - The Man You're Not
5 - Cancer
6 - It's All About Time
ft. ICS Vortex
7 - The Things Apart
8 - The Things Within
9 - Livin' Dead
10 - 042104
11 - Morphine - The Apostle of Your Last War
12 - The White Guy (Suicide)
ft. ICS Vortex
2008 - Face the Colossus

1 - Abyssal
2 - Face the Colossus
3 - Back from Life
4 - Somebody Died Tonight
5 - The World in Between
6 - Transylvania

7 - Orphan of You
8 - The Nightfall and All Its Mistakes
9 - Silence #3
10 - The Crash
11 - Sudden Death
2010 - Poseidon

1 - 43° 17'N/5° 22'E
2 - Dead Lion Reef
3 - Columnae Herculis
4 - The Devil's Triangle
5 - Degree Zero
6 - The Horn Cape

7 - Black Smokers (752° Fahrenheit)
8 - Ha Long
9 - Shen Lung
10 - I Sea Red
11 - There's Blood Offshore
12 - Waves of Doom
2013 - Post Mortem Nihil Est

1 - When Winter...
2 - The Realm Black
3 - I, Reptile
4 - Yes We Die
5 - Kiss Me Kraken
6 - Nevada

7 - The Great Wonder
8 - The Day After the Apocalypse
9 - Son of a Ghost
10 - Oblivion Is for the Living
11 - By the Sword
2015 - Tales of the Black Dawn

1 - Epilogue
2 - The Sunset Curse
3 - Half Dawn Life
4 - Eclipsed
5 - Born Twice
6 - The Loss

7 - Sorcery
8 - O, Inverted World
9 - The Dawn
10 - Morning Light

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