Cherie Currie

Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Genres : Hard rock, Pop rock, Rock alternatif
1978 - Beauty's Only Skin Deep

1 - Call Me at Midnight
2 - I Surrender
3 - Beauty's Only Skin Deep
4 - I Will Still Love You
5 - Science Fiction Daze
6 - I Like the Way You Dance
7 - That's the Kind of Guy I Like
8 - Love at First Sight
9 - The Only One
10 - Young and Wild
1980 - Messin' with the Boys (avec Marie Currie)

1 - Messin' with the Boys
2 - Since You Been Gone
3 - I Just Love the Feeling
4 - All I Want
5 - Overnight Sensation (Hit Record)
6 - Elaine
7 - This Time
8 - Wishing Well
9 - Secrets
10 - We're Through
2015 - Reverie

1 - Reverie
2 - Inner You
3 - Is It Day or Night
4 - Shades of Me
5 - Queen of the Asphalt Jungle
6 - American Nights
7 - Dark World
8 - Believe
9 - I'm Happy
10 - Another Dream

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