Atari Teenage Riot

Pays d'origine : Allemagne
Genres : Digital hardcore, Drum and bass, Expérimental, Metal industriel, Noise, Punk hardcore, Techno hardcore
1995 - Delete Yourself!

1 - Start the Riot!
2 - Into the Death
3 - Raverbashing
4 - Speed
5 - Sex
6 - Midijunkies
7 - Delete Yourself! (You Got No Chance to Win!)
8 - Hetzjagd Auf Nazis!
9 - Cyberpunks Are Dead!
10 - Kids Are United!
11 - Atari Teenage Riot
12 - Riot 1995
1997 - The Future of War

1 - Get Up While You Can
2 - Fuck All!
3 - Sick to Death
4 - P.R.E.S.S.
5 - Deutschland (Has Gotta Die!)
6 - Destroy 2000 Years of Culture
7 - Not Your Business
8 - You Can't Hold Us Back
9 - Heatwave
10 - Redefine the Enemy
11 - Death Star
12 - The Future of War
1999 - 60 Second Wipe Out

1 - Revolution Action
2 - By Any Means Necessary
3 - Western Decay
4 - Atari Teenage Riot II
5 - Ghostchase
6 - Too Dead for Me
7 - U.S. Fade Out
8 - The Virus Has Been Spread
9 - Digital Hardcore
10 - Death of a President D.I.Y.!
ft. Dino Cazares
11 - You Uniform (Does Not Impress Me!) ft. MC D-Stroy
12 - No Success ft. Freestyle & Kathleen Hanna
13 - Anarchy 999 ft. The Arsonists & Kinetics
2011 - Is This Hyperreal?

1 - Activate!
2 - Blood in My Eyes
3 - Black Flags
4 - Is This Hyperreal?
5 - Codebreaker
ft. Steve Aoki
6 - Shadow Identity
7 - Re-Arrange Your Synapses
8 - Digital Decay
9 - The Only Slight Glimmer of Hope
10 - Collapse of History
2015 - Reset

1 - J1M1
2 - Street Grime
3 - Reset
4 - Death Machine
5 - Modern Liars

6 - Cra$h
7 - New Blood
8 - Transcuder
9 - Erase Your Face
10 - We Are From the Internet

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