Animal Alpha

Pays d'origine : Norvège
Genres : Rock alternatif
2005 - Pheromones

1 - Billy Bob Jackson
2 - I.R.W.Y.T.D
3 - Bundy
4 - Most Wanted Cowboy
5 - Catch Me
6 - 101 Ways
7 - Deep In
8 - My Droogies
9 - Bend Over
10 - Remember the Day
2008 - You Pay for the Whole Seat, but You'll Only Need the Edge

1 - Pin You All
2 - Master of Disguise
3 - Fire! Fire! Fire!
4 - Alarm
5 - Breed Again
6 - In the Barn
7 - Even When I'm Wrong, I'm Right
8 - Tricky Threesome

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